74% of Us Are Often Tired at Work . . .

I'm feeling tired reading this story.  Pueblo should be in the top 3             

 If you're feeling drained today, you're not alone.  A new survey found 74% of us are "often" tired at work.



That includes 31% who said they feel tired at work "very often," and 43% who said "somewhat often."  24% said "not very often."  And apparently 1 in 50 people are SUPERHEROES.  Because 2% said they NEVER feel tired at work.



Researchers crunched the numbers from the survey to find out which CITIES have the most exhausted workers. 



And Nashville is #1.



The cities where people are most likely to be tired at work are:  Nashville . . . Austin . . . Denver . . . Indianapolis . . . Des Moines . . . Phoenix . . . Raleigh . . . San Francisco . . . Dallas . . . Detroit . . . and Boston.




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