Here's How Long You Can Keep Leftovers Before They Go Bad


Here are six Holiday foods, and how long you can keep them in the fridge before they might make you sick . . .



1.  Turkey, 3 to 4 days.  If it's cut up and stored in a shallow container, it might last a little longer, but it's risky.



2.  Homemade gravy.  Only a day or two.  So it's definitely time to throw it out.



3.  Stuffing, 3 to 4 days.



4.  Mashed potatoes, 3 to 5 days.  The same goes for green bean casserole.



5.  Pumpkin pie, 3 to 4 days.  Apple pie lasts a little longer.  You can leave it out for 2 days, then put it in the fridge for another two days.



6.  Cranberry sauce.  It's the one Thanksgiving food that DOES keep for a while.  The sugar acts as a preservative, so you can leave it in the fridge up to two weeks and still eat it. 



( / Lifehacker / Daily Mail)

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