Are These Extremely Public Urinals a Good Idea?

Can you imagine these at City Park, Main street or the Riverwalk???  What do you think Pueblo?                  

Is this a good idea, or just gross?  Officials in Paris recently started installing SIDEWALK URINALS all over the city to discourage guys from going #1 on the street, or on the sides of buildings.  And the urinals are in VERY public places.



They're about the size of a mailbox, with a big opening in the front.  So guys can walk up, unzip, and have at it.  And not everyone thinks they're a good idea.



There's been an UPROAR from people especially since some of the urinals are in tourist spots.  There's even one near the Notre-Dame cathedral.



They've been installing them since last year.  So they're not brand new.  But they're popping up in more places now, and people don't like it.



There's a layer of straw inside to soak up the urine and help with the smell.  Then it's used as compost in public parks.  So they are eco-friendly, if that matters.



They also have flower beds on top of them, so they're not such an eyesore.  

So is this a good idea or not?  Well, according to a new survey a lot of Americans say YES.  46% said they'd support having them in their own city . . . 27% said it's a bad idea . . . and another 27% aren't sure. 



(CNN / USA Today)



(Here are photos.)



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